Congrats to PES March Leaders of the Month! #fundedbylevy
Don't forget that Monroe County Schools' will be on Spring Break April 1st through 5th. Enjoy some time off! 😎
Monroe County Schools Levy Information
On April 22, 2024 Michael DeLeon (founder of Steered Straight) will be at James Monroe High School for a parent academy education session. This is an open invitation to families, friends, and educators of all students in Monroe County to learn about the epidemic with our youth: vaping drugs and alcohol.
Out of respect, the music concert and parent training scheduled for March 25th have been postponed. Sports practices and after school tutoring has been canceled for March 25th as well.
We are so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of a young student from Mountain View School. We send our deepest condolence to the family.
We will have grief counselors and pastors available Monday morning for any student or staff member who needs them. Please remember the family and our school family in your thoughts and prayers.
PES third grade Language/Mathematics Easter Egg Hunt. Students raced to find eggs and complete the problem found inside the eggs. Two students in each third grade classroom with the most correct answers were awarded a prize.
Monroe County Schools were represented at Southern West Virginia Honor Band in Beckley, WV by 14 students from both James Monroe High School and Peterstown Middle School.
These students were a part of two excellent ensembles of students from the southern and central part of West Virginia, combined from music programs from 25 schools total!
Thankful for the students and parents of students who supported them throughout their educational journey and continue to support their music related endeavors! 🎶💜🖤❤️🎶
Special shout out to Alex Craig, 2nd Chair Trumpet in Gold Band, who was selected as one of the soloists on the groups final piece.
Parents/Guardians of JMHS Seniors,
Glenville State's financial aid counselor has offered to come out on Thursday, March 28 from 6:00-8:00 pm to help anyone with any remaining FAFSA questions that you may have. Please sign up at if you plan on attending.
If you plan on attending, please have your student bring their Chromebook with them!
Here is information about the 2024 Levy -
These leprechauns had a great green St. Patrick's Day!
James Monroe High School March Newsletter
World Down Syndrome Day, March 21st
8th Grade Science students explored simple machines and Newton's Laws
Monroe County Schools Levy Information
Congratulations to Mrs. Canterbury’s class for winning the most skills mastered, and IXL for the third nine weeks! #fundedbylevy
The Mountain View Middle FFA Chapter held their first official meeting this morning! Their officers’ jackets arrived just in time. The students would like to thank Mr. Dave Sizemore for donating the funds to purchase our offficer’s jackets. The opportunities these jackets hold are endless!!
Nellie Cottle is Peterstown's Technology Integration Specialist and is presenting to a large group of technology educators in Bridgeport. Her topic is Pedagogy and Growth Mindset.
Monroe County School Levy Information
Students from Ms. Weiss’ Therapeutic Services program and Mr. Hancock’s Biomed Program competed at the HOSA State Leadership Conference at Marshall University. Abbigail Blankenship placed 3rd in Dental Terminology; Parker Noonkester placed 3rd in Nutrition; Bryleigh Thomas placed 3rd in Home Health Aide; Madison Noonkester placed 2nd in Pharmacy Science; Alydia Cozort, Bella Williams, Skye Stone, and Tyson Meadows placed 2nd in HOSA Bowl. Congratulations to all winners! #fundedbylevy #schoollevy