James Monroe High School started its kid's heart challenge this month and it will run until May 3, 2024. Anyone can register online and complete Finn's mission. By completing this mission: you will be helping James Monroe students earn gift certificates for PE equipment, helping them earn a chance to win a $10,000 fitness makeover, you can be entered to win tickets to the 2025 NFL Super Bowl, and so much more while also learning lifesaving skills.
There are many ways to help:
If a student has registered, you can help by donating to them so that they can win cool prizes and meet their individual goal.
If you register and complete the mission on behalf of JMHS (student, staff or community) you contribute to the amount of entries the school will get.
To register and learn more:

The Monroe County Board of Education recognized the JMHS Girls' and Boys' Basketball players for their accomplishments during the season.

Monroe County Schools Levy Information

James Monroe High School held their honor society inductions on April 16. Congratulations to all the inductees.

If you haven't made it to a Maverick Baseball game, please check out these two special nights. Little League night is Wednesday, May 1 at 5:30 and the 35th Anniversary of the 1989 Peterstown High School State Championship Team.

James Monroe High School has officially started the Kid's Heart Challenge to raise funds for the American Heart Association. Did you know by completing Finn's mission they may be eligible to win tickets for the 25' NFL Superbowl? Watch this to learn more and sign up today! https://vimeo.com/877547666?share=copy

Monroe County Schools Levy Information

There will be a donuts, coffee, and levy discussion meeting on Monday, April 15th, 6:00 pm at Hometown Restaurant in Peterstown and Tuesday, April 30th, 6:00 pm at Kalico Kitchen in Union. The public is invited to attend.

Monroe County Schools Levy Information

On April 8th, KLC’s PreK students got to learn about the solar eclipse in a tasty and excitingly safe way!

Support Peterstown Middle School and show your Pirate Pride!!!😍 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdatRZgfXrxrpd29s6QaTVwY_M51-TMZ1vIkdrYCCcGCwdH6A/viewform

PES watched the eclipse with our awesome safety eclipse glasses. Students loved seeing it.

Q is for quilt! Mr. Hazelwood, Kindergarten teacher at PES had a quilt made of his class.

This is a reminder of the upcoming
Volunteer Trainings:
April 8th at Mountain View School at 8:30am and at 5:30pm,
April 11th at Peterstown School at 5:30pm,
April 25th at James Monroe at 6:00pm.
The application can be found on our county website under the links tab. https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/ODU2OTplbi1VUw==

Will your student meet all health requirements for school next year??? 🤔
If you’re not sure if their vaccines are up to date please contact Jessica Thomas, your child’s health care provider or the local health department for more information! You can also utilize your child's SNAP health portal!
1️⃣2️⃣th gd- Tdap & Meningitis vaccine, Physical & Dental exam in the last 12 months
7️⃣Th gd - Tdap & Meningitis vaccine, Physical & Dental exam in the last 12 months
2️⃣nd gd - Physical & Dental exam in the last 12 months
Kindergarten & Pre-K - Complete vaccine record, Physical & Dental exam in the last 12 months
Send records to:
Jessica Thomas, RN
Fax: 833-605-0476
Or online using their health portal!

Monroe County Schools Levy Information

Happy Easter from these Pre-K bunnies at Kid’s Learning Center.

Congratulations, Mountain View School 🙌🙌👏👏

Mrs. Newberry’s 8th grade language arts students just completed a study on Greek mythology and a novel study of “The Adventures of Ulysses”. Students completed the study with a hands-on creative activity of their choices.

5th grade students of the month for March are AJ Patterson and Chloe Carden.