Yesterday PMS students had the opportunity to participate in the “Get A Life” program.  A huge thank you to Mrs. Tami Brown for organizing this each year and to the community members who help make this possible.  Students got a real world simulation of what life can be like with an education verses without one.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
peterstown middle get a life
Peterstown middle get a life
Peterstown middle get a life
Peterstown middle get a life
Peterstown middle get a life
Peterstown middle get a life
Peterstown middle get a life
Peterstown middle get a life
Good evening, this is a reminder that students will be released at 1:30 on Friday, December 22 and will not return until January 2nd. Please have a safe and enjoyable break! See you next year!
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
Congratulations to Rowan Hickman at Peterstown Middle School for winning the overall kindest student award. Rowan is said to be a kind, caring, and dedicated student who is always trying her best. Jessie Thomas recognized her on December 20, with prizes from the American Heart Association. Being heart-healthy starts with being a good leader. Thank you Mr. Riffe for your time in nominating Rowan.
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
Rowan Hickman
Healthy Students Newsletter
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
Healthy Students Newsletter
Parents and Guardians of JMHS Seniors, The FAFSA workshop will be held on January 2, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the gymnasium at James Monroe. Please sign up at the link below! More information about the event can be found on our counseling website,
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
In a joint effort, MCTC students are sprucing up the hallway boards to make it festive and usher in a new year. Pictured are Joshua Oliver (Business), Maddie Smithson (Ag), Carolyn Clarkson, and Kayleigh McCroskey (Law and Public Safety)
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
MCTC students
Mrs. McGlothlin’s 1st-grade class mastered the most skills on IXL for the 1st nine weeks at PES. They all received a new board game. Way to go! #fundedbylevy
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
PES Games
The Board of Education meeting originally scheduled for December 19, 2023 at Peterstown Elementary School is being moved to the Board of Education Office in Union. The meeting will still be held today at 6:00 pm. Peterstown Elementary's meeting is rescheduled for January 16, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
Monroe County Schools will be closed for Tuesday, December 19, 2023.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
Monroe County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay Tuesday, December 19, 2023.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
PMS 5th graders went on a field trip today to the Wytheville Community Center.  The weather outside was frightful but the pool was so delightful!! Thanks to the citizens of Monroe County, our students are able to go on field trips in part due to Levy funding.   #fundedbylevy
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
Fifth grade field trip
fifth grade field trip
Monroe County Schools will release at 2:00 pm today. All after school activities are cancelled.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
Peterstown Middle School 7th grade science just finished our Human Impact on the Environment unit and made ornaments out of recycled materials today.
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
PMS 7th Grade Science
PMS 7th Grade Science
PMS 7th Grade Science
PMS 7th Grade Science
PMS 7th Grade Science
PMS 7th Grade Science
PMS 7th Grade Science
PMS 7th Grade Science
Ii is for ice cream! Bryer treated his PreK class at KLC to an ice cream party for show and tell today!
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Students and parents enjoying Meet the Robot Night at Peterstown PreK-8. Nellie Cottle, Technology Integration Specialist, hosted this event! Job well done and students and parents had a fun evening.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
Mrs. Cottle helping students
Students playing with their robots
Parent and child playing
Students building robots
Photo robot
Students playing with robots
Students playing with robots
Students and Parents/Guardians, Applications for the Governor's School of West Virginia are now open! All of these are free residential programs. Please stop by and speak with your counselors, or view the information below. Governor’s Schools for Middle School Students Governor's School of Literacy through the Arts, Culture, and History (GSLACH) – current 8th grade students Governor's STEM Institute (GSI) (WVU) – current 7th grade students Governor's STEM Institute (GSI) (Green Bank) – current 8th grade students Governor’s Schools for High School Students Governor's Computer Science Institute (GCSI) – current 9th and 10th grade students Governor's Honors Academy (GHA) – current 11th grade students Governor's School for Entrepreneurship (GSE) – current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students Governor's School for the Arts (GSA) – current 10th grade students
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
Monroe County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay for Monday, December 11, 2023.
about 1 year ago, Bobbie Tuggle
It was a magical morning at PES! Thank you all who came out for Breakfast with Santa. Thank you to PES PTO for their hard work on this event. Part 2
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
It was a magical morning at PES! Thank you all who came out for Breakfast with Santa. Thank you to PES PTO for their hard work on this event. Part 1
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa
Thank you to all who participated in the Kid's Heart Challenge! Because of you we have spread awareness for healthy hearts and raised nearly $2000 for the American Heart Association. Keep your eyes peeled after the holidays because we will have our final challenge at James Monroe High School at that time!
about 1 year ago, Misty Nelson
Heart Heroes